[project] name = "optmanagement" authors = [ { name = "snehalatha", email = "snehalathad@aissel.com"} ] description = "Opt In Management" requires-python = ">=3.10" readme = "README.md" dynamic = ["version"] dependencies = [ # "frappe~=15.0.0" # Installed and managed by bench. ] [build-system] requires = ["flit_core >=3.4,<4"] build-backend = "flit_core.buildapi" # These dependencies are only installed when developer mode is enabled [tool.bench.dev-dependencies] # package_name = "~=1.1.0" [tool.ruff] line-length = 110 target-version = "py310" [tool.ruff.lint] select = [ "F", "E", "W", "I", "UP", "B", ] ignore = [ "B017", # assertRaises(Exception) - should be more specific "B018", # useless expression, not assigned to anything "B023", # function doesn't bind loop variable - will have last iteration's value "B904", # raise inside except without from "E101", # indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs "E402", # module level import not at top of file "E501", # line too long "E741", # ambiguous variable name "F401", # "unused" imports "F403", # can't detect undefined names from * import "F405", # can't detect undefined names from * import "F722", # syntax error in forward type annotation "W191", # indentation contains tabs ] typing-modules = ["frappe.types.DF"] [tool.ruff.format] quote-style = "double" indent-style = "tab" docstring-code-format = true