[ { "line": 1, "elements": [ { "start_timestamp": "2021-07-09T07:45:59.535Z", "line": 12, "name": "Verify user can perofrm different actions in Profile request", "description": "", "id": "more-tab-features-verification;verify-user-can-perofrm-different-actions-in-profile-request;;2", "after": [ { "result": { "duration": 1520522800, "status": "passed" }, "match": { "location": "ReportsSteps.closeBrowser()" } }, { "result": { "duration": 508700, "status": "passed" }, "match": { "location": "MoreSteps.closeBrowser()" } }, { "result": { "duration": 349400, "status": "passed" }, "match": { "location": "NetworkMapsSteps.closeBrowser()" } }, { "result": { "duration": 477800, "status": "passed" }, "match": { "location": "TrackTabSteps.closeBrowser()" } }, { "result": { "duration": 49438400, "status": "passed" }, "match": { "location": "OrganizationSteps.takeScreenshotOnFailure(Scenario)" } }, { "result": { "duration": 393600, "status": "passed" }, "match": { "location": "MyListsSteps.closeBrowser()" } }, { "result": { "duration": 22590700, "status": "passed" }, "match": { "location": "KOLProfileSteps.closeBrowser()" } }, { "result": { "duration": 358200, "status": "passed" }, "match": { "location": "HomeTabSteps.closeBrowser()" } } ], "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "steps": [ { "result": { "duration": 27920182800, "status": "passed" }, "line": 4, "name": "user login to hills application with hillmgr and Ss@hills2", "match": { "arguments": [ { "val": "hillmgr", "offset": 37 }, { "val": "Ss@hills2", "offset": 49 } ], "location": "HillsLoginSteps.user_login_to_hills_application_with_username_and_password(String,String)" }, "keyword": "Given " }, { "result": { "duration": 381562500, "status": "passed" }, "line": 5, "name": "user click on More tab", "match": { "location": "MoreSteps.userclickonMoretab()" }, "keyword": "When " }, { "result": { "duration": 4985892300, "status": "passed" }, "line": 6, "name": "user click on Profile request link", "match": { "location": "MoreSteps.userclickonProfilerequestlink()" }, "keyword": "And " }, { "result": { "duration": 4245328600, "status": "passed" }, "line": 7, "name": "user exports pending approvals in Excel", "match": { "location": "MoreSteps.userexportspendingapprovalsinExcel()" }, "keyword": "And " }, { "result": { "duration": 4019424300, "status": "passed" }, "line": 8, "name": "user exports all profile request in Excel", "match": { "location": "MoreSteps.userexportsallprofilerequestinExcel()" }, "keyword": "And " } ], "tags": [ { "name": "@moretab" } ] } ], "name": "More tab features verification", "description": "", "id": "more-tab-features-verification", "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "file:src/test/resources/Features/More.feature", "tags": [] } ]