db) or $CI->load->database(); $this->_db = $CI->db; if (! $this->_db instanceof CI_DB_query_builder) { throw new Exception('Query Builder not enabled for the configured database. Aborting.'); } elseif ($this->_db->pconnect) { throw new Exception('Configured database connection is persistent. Aborting.'); } elseif ($this->_db->cache_on) { throw new Exception('Configured database connection has cache enabled. Aborting.'); } $db_driver = $this->_db->dbdriver . (empty($this->_db->subdriver) ? '' : '_' . $this->_db->subdriver); if (strpos($db_driver, 'mysql') !== false) { $this->_platform = 'mysql'; } elseif (in_array($db_driver, array('postgre', 'pdo_pgsql'), true)) { $this->_platform = 'postgre'; } // Note: BC work-around for the old 'sess_table_name' setting, should be removed in the future. if (! isset($this->_config['save_path']) && ($this->_config['save_path'] = config_item('sess_table_name'))) { log_message('debug', 'Session: "sess_save_path" is empty; using BC fallback to "sess_table_name".'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Open * * Initializes the database connection * * @param string $save_path Table name * @param string $name Session cookie name, unused * @return bool */ public function open($save_path, $name) { if (empty($this->_db->conn_id) && ! $this->_db->db_connect()) { return $this->_failure; } $this->php5_validate_id(); return $this->_success; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Read * * Reads session data and acquires a lock * * @param string $session_id Session ID * @return string Serialized session data */ public function read($session_id) { if ($this->_get_lock($session_id) === false) { return $this->_failure; } // Prevent previous QB calls from messing with our queries $this->_db->reset_query(); // Needed by write() to detect session_regenerate_id() calls $this->_session_id = $session_id; $this->_db ->select('data') ->from($this->_config['save_path']) ->where('id', $session_id); if ($this->_config['match_ip']) { $this->_db->where('ip_address', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } if (! ($result = $this->_db->get()) or ($result = $result->row()) === null) { // PHP7 will reuse the same SessionHandler object after // ID regeneration, so we need to explicitly set this to // FALSE instead of relying on the default ... $this->_row_exists = false; $this->_fingerprint = md5(''); return ''; } // PostgreSQL's variant of a BLOB datatype is Bytea, which is a // PITA to work with, so we use base64-encoded data in a TEXT // field instead. $result = ($this->_platform === 'postgre') ? base64_decode(rtrim($result->data)) : $result->data; $this->_fingerprint = md5($result); $this->_row_exists = true; return $result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Write * * Writes (create / update) session data * * @param string $session_id Session ID * @param string $session_data Serialized session data * @return bool */ public function write($session_id, $session_data) { // Prevent previous QB calls from messing with our queries $this->_db->reset_query(); // Was the ID regenerated? if (isset($this->_session_id) && $session_id !== $this->_session_id) { if (! $this->_release_lock() or ! $this->_get_lock($session_id)) { return $this->_failure; } $this->_row_exists = false; $this->_session_id = $session_id; } elseif ($this->_lock === false) { return $this->_failure; } if ($this->_row_exists === false) { $insert_data = array( 'id' => $session_id, 'ip_address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'timestamp' => time(), 'data' => ($this->_platform === 'postgre' ? base64_encode($session_data) : $session_data) ); if ($this->_db->insert($this->_config['save_path'], $insert_data)) { $this->_fingerprint = md5($session_data); $this->_row_exists = true; return $this->_success; } return $this->_failure; } $this->_db->where('id', $session_id); if ($this->_config['match_ip']) { $this->_db->where('ip_address', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } $update_data = array('timestamp' => time()); if ($this->_fingerprint !== md5($session_data)) { $update_data['data'] = ($this->_platform === 'postgre') ? base64_encode($session_data) : $session_data; } if ($this->_db->update($this->_config['save_path'], $update_data)) { $this->_fingerprint = md5($session_data); return $this->_success; } return $this->_failure; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Close * * Releases locks * * @return bool */ public function close() { return ($this->_lock && ! $this->_release_lock()) ? $this->_failure : $this->_success; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Destroy * * Destroys the current session. * * @param string $session_id Session ID * @return bool */ public function destroy($session_id) { if ($this->_lock) { // Prevent previous QB calls from messing with our queries $this->_db->reset_query(); $this->_db->where('id', $session_id); if ($this->_config['match_ip']) { $this->_db->where('ip_address', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } if (! $this->_db->delete($this->_config['save_path'])) { return $this->_failure; } } if ($this->close() === $this->_success) { $this->_cookie_destroy(); return $this->_success; } return $this->_failure; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Garbage Collector * * Deletes expired sessions * * @param int $maxlifetime Maximum lifetime of sessions * @return bool */ public function gc($maxlifetime) { // Prevent previous QB calls from messing with our queries $this->_db->reset_query(); return ($this->_db->delete($this->_config['save_path'], 'timestamp < ' . (time() - $maxlifetime))) ? $this->_success : $this->_failure; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update Timestamp * * Update session timestamp without modifying data * * @param string $id Session ID * @param string $data Unknown & unused * @return bool */ public function updateTimestamp($id, $unknown) { // Prevent previous QB calls from messing with our queries $this->_db->reset_query(); $this->_db->where('id', $id); if ($this->_config['match_ip']) { $this->_db->where('ip_address', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } return (bool) $this->_db->update($this->_config['save_path'], array('timestamp' => time())); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Validate ID * * Checks whether a session ID record exists server-side, * to enforce session.use_strict_mode. * * @param string $id Session ID * @return bool */ public function validateId($id) { // Prevent previous QB calls from messing with our queries $this->_db->reset_query(); $this->_db->select('1')->from($this->_config['save_path'])->where('id', $id); empty($this->_config['match_ip']) or $this->_db->where('ip_address', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $result = $this->_db->get(); empty($result) or $result = $result->row(); return ! empty($result); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Get lock * * Acquires a lock, depending on the underlying platform. * * @param string $session_id Session ID * @return bool */ protected function _get_lock($session_id) { if ($this->_platform === 'mysql') { $arg = md5($session_id . ($this->_config['match_ip'] ? '_' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '')); if ($this->_db->query("SELECT GET_LOCK('" . $arg . "', 300) AS ci_session_lock")->row()->ci_session_lock) { $this->_lock = $arg; return true; } return false; } elseif ($this->_platform === 'postgre') { $arg = "hashtext('" . $session_id . "')" . ($this->_config['match_ip'] ? ", hashtext('" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "')" : ''); if ($this->_db->simple_query('SELECT pg_advisory_lock(' . $arg . ')')) { $this->_lock = $arg; return true; } return false; } return parent::_get_lock($session_id); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Release lock * * Releases a previously acquired lock * * @return bool */ protected function _release_lock() { if (! $this->_lock) { return true; } if ($this->_platform === 'mysql') { if ($this->_db->query("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('" . $this->_lock . "') AS ci_session_lock")->row()->ci_session_lock) { $this->_lock = false; return true; } return false; } elseif ($this->_platform === 'postgre') { if ($this->_db->simple_query('SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(' . $this->_lock . ')')) { $this->_lock = false; return true; } return false; } return parent::_release_lock(); } }