+ `;
+ previewWindow.document.write(previewContent);
+ previewWindow.document.close();
+ });
+ // Activate the section;repositions add section button
+ $(document).on('click', '.form-section', function() {
+ $('.form-section').removeClass('active');
+ $(this).addClass('active');
+ activeSection = $(this);
+ positionAddSectionButton();
+ });
+ $('#form-container').sortable({
+ placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight',
+ start: function (event, ui) {
+ ui.placeholder.height(ui.item.height());
+ },
+ stop: function (event, ui) {
+ positionAddSectionButton();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#form-container').disableSelection();
+i have shared with you my html file as well as the js file,
+i want you to update the js file in such a way that once i click the submit button in the forms ui section i want them to get updated in the database through post data.
+each of the question text or the options i create and the type of question such as dropdown or checkbox,try to enclose every data under an active form ,in a similar way as you fetched all the information to show in the preview window.
+ for each of the question text in each div created , i want to save in the text colomn in the questions table and for the type of question that is dropdown or multiple choice or checkbox etc i want to save them as 1,2,3,4 or 5 in the type colomn in the questions table and if the required button is selected it should reflect in the required colomn in the table as 0 or 1, for the options created in each of the div tag or the question tag should be saved in the text colomn in the options table.
+so that i can retreive the data when required.
+i want you also to create all the controllers and the models and the view required to perform the above task,i have created a login page after authorization the user is able to create the form
+so with respect to that particular users id , all the above contents should be updated in the database
+i will explain you the structure of my database
+ have also created a database in the phpmyadmin as google_forms wherein i currently have 4 tables as users,forms,questions,options
+in the users table id,username,email,password,created_at where id isthe primary key .
+The forms table has id,user_id as the foreign key which is refernced to the id from users table,created_at and description colomn.
+questions table has id as the primary key,form_id as the foreign key which is referenced to the id from the forms table ,text,type,required ,created_at.
+and the options table has id as the primary key ,question_id as the foreign key which is referenced to the id from the questions table.
+finally i want a updation in my js file and html file as suggested
+and i want all the controller and models to perform this task in the codeigniter
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