var TableExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.anchor.extend({ name: 'table', action: 'createTable', aria: 'table', tagNames: ['table'], contentDefault: 'T', contentFA: '', doFormSave: function () { var columnCount = this.getColumnsInput().value, rowCount = this.getRowsInput().value, table = this.createTable(columnCount, rowCount); // Restore Medium Editor's selection before pasting HTML this.base.restoreSelection(); // Paste newly created table. this.base.pasteHTML(table.innerHTML); // Update toolbar -> hide this form this.base.checkSelection(); }, createTable: function (cols, rows) { var doc = this.base.options.ownerDocument, table = doc.createElement('table'), header = doc.createElement('thead'), headerRow = doc.createElement('tr'), body = doc.createElement('tbody'), wrap = doc.createElement('div'), h, r, c, headerCol, bodyRow, bodyCol; for (h = 1; h <= cols; h++) { headerCol = doc.createElement('th'); headerCol.innerHTML = '...'; headerRow.appendChild(headerCol); } header.appendChild(headerRow); for (r = 1; r <= rows; r++) { bodyRow = doc.createElement('tr'); for (c = 1; c <= cols; c++) { bodyCol = doc.createElement('td'); bodyCol.innerHTML = '...'; bodyRow.appendChild(bodyCol); } body.appendChild(bodyRow); } table.appendChild(header); table.appendChild(body); wrap.appendChild(table); return wrap; }, // Called when the button the toolbar is clicked // Overrides DefaultButton.handleClick handleClick: function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if (!this.isDisplayed()) { this.showForm(); } return false; }, hideForm: function () { this.getColumnsInput().value = ''; this.getRowsInput().value = ''; this.getForm().style.display = 'none'; }, showForm: function () { var colsInput = this.getColumnsInput(), rowsInput = this.getRowsInput(); this.base.saveSelection(); this.hideToolbarDefaultActions(); this.getForm().style.display = 'block'; this.setToolbarPosition(); colsInput.focus(); }, createForm: function () { var doc = this.base.options.ownerDocument, form = doc.createElement('div'), close = doc.createElement('a'), save = doc.createElement('a'), columnInput = doc.createElement('input'), rowInput = doc.createElement('input'); form.className = 'medium-editor-toolbar-form'; = 'medium-editor-toolbar-form-table-' +; // Handle clicks on the form itself this.base.on(form, 'click', this.handleFormClick.bind(this)); // Add columns textbox columnInput.setAttribute('type', 'text'); columnInput.className = 'medium-editor-toolbar-input medium-editor-toolbar-input-columns'; columnInput.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Column Count'); form.appendChild(columnInput); // Add rows textbox rowInput.setAttribute('type', 'text'); rowInput.className = 'medium-editor-toolbar-input medium-editor-toolbar-input-rows'; rowInput.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Row Count'); form.appendChild(rowInput); // Handle typing in the textboxes this.base.on(columnInput, 'keyup', this.handleTextboxKeyup.bind(this)); this.base.on(rowInput, 'keyup', this.handleTextboxKeyup.bind(this)); // Add save buton save.setAttribute('href', '#'); save.className = 'medium-editor-toolbar-save'; save.innerHTML = this.base.options.buttonLabels === 'fontawesome' ? '' : '✓'; form.appendChild(save); // Handle save button clicks (capture) this.base.on(save, 'click', this.handleSaveClick.bind(this), true); // Add close button close.setAttribute('href', '#'); close.className = 'medium-editor-toolbar-close'; close.innerHTML = this.base.options.buttonLabels === 'fontawesome' ? '' : '×'; form.appendChild(close); // Handle close button clicks this.base.on(close, 'click', this.handleCloseClick.bind(this)); return form; }, getColumnsInput: function () { return this.getForm().querySelector('input.medium-editor-toolbar-input-columns'); }, getRowsInput: function () { return this.getForm().querySelector('input.medium-editor-toolbar-input-rows'); } })